Tuesday, April 24, 2007

The longest Tuesday Ever

Today was a long and challenging day for me. I was up at 6:30, and did some work in the morning before heading to the pool for my swim workout. Had a good swim, with lots of drills, it was 2500m and took me over an hour!
Had a very busy work day, and didn't get much of my work done due to an ultra marathon meeting- not as exciting as it sounds- just a really long staff meeting. I didn't get home until 7pm which meant a very late start for my B/R workout. Fortunately it was a short workout and I finished before the sun disappeared. It was ridiculously windy out there and I stuck to residential streets for my bike, I don't think I could have held on out there. Felt good on the bike and the run, took it pretty easy as I have my VO2 test for the run tomorrow as well as a run after work with Celine. Don't really know what to expect of the VO2 test but I am hoping for less snot/drool that I experienced in the test on the bike...

Training for the day: Swim 1hr5min Bike 45min Run 15min
2hrs total

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