Sunday, May 13, 2007

Wonky Weekend

Well I learned some good lessons this weekend, and really should have titled this entry "Carpe Diem".

We did our usual swim Friday night, I was feeling a bit off after an aggressive massage so I did 2.5km rather than the 3.0+ I usually do.

Saturday was a beautiful day. My schedule called for just a 30 min warm up run for the race Sunday, but what I REALLY wanted to do was go for a bike ride. Darin headed out in the morning and I did my 30 min run. I was really grumpy that I was not riding on the sunniest, least windy day of the spring! I debated going anyway but decided to stick to the plan and hold off. I was scheduled for a 90min ride after the race on Sunday so I would have to get my fix then. We did some yard work, went for lunch and hung out in our backyard for a while before heading down to race city speedway to watch James race.
It was cool to see how much James has improved, he was racing in Cat 4 for the first time and did very well. It was very windy and cold down there so we didn't stick around to watch any other races.

We saw the weather forcast for Sunday was rain/snow and 3 degrees. We were both bummed about the thought of running in the cold rain and decided if it was pouring in the morning we would skip the race.

6:30 the alarm went off and the rain was coming down in buckets. We decided to wait an hour and see how it was. At 8am the rain was still coming down so we decided to stay home and went back to bed.

By 9am the rain had stopped. We were both a little disappointed that we didn't race but it wasn't an important race for either one of us. I was more bummed that I hadn't gone out riding the day before with Darin and I decided I would ride today crappy weather or not.

I headed out in the cold wind and quickly realized although I had lots of clothes on I was under-dressed. I decided I was paying penance for skipping the race and kept going. I went to Bragg and for the first time ever I was the only cyclist there. I didn;t stay long because I didn't want to cool off any more, just a quick bathroom break and off I went. Now I was really cold so I put my head down and pushed as hard as I could, figuring I would both warm up faster and get home faster by doing so.

It was a hard ride, but still was good to get out for a good workout. I rode 79km in under 3hrs, not bad for the wind and cold.

We took Darin's parents out for dinner and had a very nice visit with them.

Overall a weekend that was not as planned but turned out alright just the same. I am looking forward to Sylvan next weekend to get some big training miles in.

Training for the weekend: Swim 2.5km 55mins
Bike 2hrs 50mins
Run 30mins

Oh yeah and I got some BEAUTIFUL new cycling shoes!!! They are so comfortable, light and best of all they match my bike :-)

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