Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Humpday Long Run...

Had a productive day at work, and was able to get out and for for lunch with D which was a nice mid-day treat.

Had a 90min trail run on the books and I thought I would be doing it in the rain, but amazingly it cleared and turned into a beautiful warm evening. I decided to do Darin's "80min" loop through North Glenmore onto the JackRabbit trail and back. I met up with Julie on the Jackrabbit and she gave me the nickle tour of all the trails in that area. It was great as I haven't done much exploring yet in the area and I now have an idea of how to do a longer trail loop through there. The loop I did took me 2hrs. Not exactly the 80min loop Darin described, but I felt really good and enjoyed the run. I got through 2 new albums that I just downloaded- the new Finger 11 and the new Good Charlotte. Both were pretty good- it was nice to have some new music to listen to.

I was surprised and happy to see D's car when I got home- he did his swim and skipped studying to come home and hang with me... lucky me :-)

Training for the day Run 120mins

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