Wednesday, June 20, 2007

The best day of my life

A year ago today, I met Darin. A completely random meeting- I was presenting a keynote to a bunch of stiff bankers at a PD day. He was one of the stiff bankers. I talked about Ironman and taking risks to expand your comfort zone to have more of what you want. He was an Ironman and took my words to heart- he decided I was what he wanted more of and took the risk to approach me afterwards. I was less than receptive but a connection was made and something inside of me lit up when I looked in his eyes and he smiled....
It took another month before we went on an official date, but it only took a few conversations and a couple of trail runs for both of us to realize we had finally met our respective matches. Every day since the day we met has been the best day of my life.

So tonight we had an appropriate celebration- a trail run in Fish Creek Park followed by a sushi picnic. It was a beautiful night to do what I love best with the person I love best... followed by the food I love best ;-)

Training for the day: Trail Run 60mins

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