Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Snowy Tuesday

We woke up to a snow storm today...yipeee. ugh. It has mostly melted already though and it should be warmed up and dried up by the weekend.

Had a solid ride tonight- 75mins zone 2 >90rpm One thing I realize is that I haven't been spinning at that high of a cadence. I am most comfortable 85-88rpm and I guess I'll need to pick that up a bit.

Had a trying day at work today and I was really grateful to have a workout to do when I got home. This part of my life is so important to me, it keeps me balanced, and moving my energy through training allows me to shift out of whatever is bothering me and reground myself in myself.

It also helps to come home to my favorite person who is always happy and enthusiastic. I can't help but feel better when I am around him.

Life is good. I am so blessed to have the opportunities I do, the support I do and the abilities I do. Life is good.

Training for the day- trainer ride 75mins

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