Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Thought I should post a quick update, thigs have been kinda crazy in the Hunter/Morris household/world!
Big changes coming our way. No formal announcements until things are signed, sealed and delivered, but that should be late next week. Living in mystery has never been my strong suit. But I am exercising patience...

Saturday was a great hike up Ha ling peak. We power hiked our way up in an hour, had a break at the top and took in the spectacular view, and then began our speedy descent. Unfortunately, about 2/3rds of the way down, I was attacked by a trail frog. It came out of nowhere and although I can usually recover from these incidents without eating dirt, the pitch was too steep and I took a hard fall. The pain was so intense I had visions of things being broken. But it turned out to be some nasty frog bites to the knee and a lot of bruising. We took the rest of the trail down very slowly, every step was painful and it took everything in me not to cry. As a seasoned trail runner I know better- you must never let the trail frogs see weakness- otherwise you are marked for life...
Several days later now, I am still tender. This makes post Ironman seem like nothing. Today I am finally able to walk down the stairs facing forward, and I feel like I am definitely on the mend.

In other news, I started leading Survivor Bootcamp Classes this week with my good buddy Clinton. So far I have little more than my voice to offer, but as soon as I am fully mobile again it will be no mercy. I can't wait, I forgot how much I enjoyed teaching fitness classes.

In D related news, my boy is officially complete all the requirements of his Bachelor of Commerce degree. The final marks are still trickling in, but with the high 80's and 90's he has been pulling off it looks like he will be graduating with distinction.
I know- he's gorgeous, athletic, intelligent, and kind hearted... all that PLUS he is handy around the house, a financial wizard, and when I am working late there is almost always a home cooked dinner waiting for me. Don't worry, I know I am the luckiest woman alive and I give big thanks everyday for the blessings I have...

Speaking of blessings, D and I became Auntie and Uncle to a new Nephew last week. Christie, D's sister gave birth to a tiny little angel named Jacob. He is an itty bitty spark of perfection and we are both head over heels in love with the little goober.

I also had the privilege of meeting D's grandparents this weekend. At 91 and 92 years old, they are an amazing example of what till death do us part should look like. His grandpa has had some health issues, but his grandma is a little spitfire, full of energy and fully dedicated to taking care of her beloved husband. It was really heartwarming to see.

That about wraps up the news for the week. I am looking forward to feeling better so i can get into the strength training program Syl drew up for me. I miss training...

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